You may have been reading my blog for sometime, or you’ve found me through a relatively random search.
However you got here, hi. You probably enjoy writing plays – or you enjoy the thought that you could write a play.
I’ve been teaching playwriting – as well as working professionally as a playwright – for a number of years now and recently started teaching** playwright clients via Skype in the US and UK after my recent move to Melbourne, also working with playwrights face-to-face here.
I can confidently say that if you enjoy reading my blog posts then, working together, I can give you personal, practical and targeted advice that will help you write your play.
My preferred process is to work with clients over 8 weekly sessions of around an hour to an hour and a half. Some writers prefer a maximum of 45 minutes. And after the 8 weeks is up, we can decide together whether we think there is more work to do or if the play is ready to fly. Or be posted. Or e-mailed. You know what I mean.
It might be that you need help or the help of a commitment to a specific time to finish or to rewrite your play. Or it might be that you have many starting points but you run out of gas. Having written over 20 produced plays, I know that I have experienced similar problems and that I have a toolkit of solutions to pass on to you.
The cost of an 8-week slot is A$1997, which is not very much when compared to the cost of most writing courses where you might get lost in a group dynamic. You can pay weekly, following each session, or in advance, but bear in mind that costs ever-so-slightly more. Also bear in mind, that I can only take on a limited number of clients each quarter.
If you’re not ready to enlist my services, then allow me to recommend some playwriting books that I near swear-by in this link, along with my 13 week recipe for completing a draft here.
However, if you want to know more and want to see if we can or should work together, leave your details below and I’ll get in touch.
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** ‘teaching’ is one word, encouraging and guiding are others
Photo by taner ardalı on Unsplash